
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Chronicles of Prydain, Taran Wanderer

 Taran Wanderer The story follows Taran as he "wanders" with Gurgi, but without most of his former companions from the other Chronicles. He searches for his noble or common lineage in the eastern regions of Prydain, far from both the realm and forces of Arawn and the demesne of the High King. Along the way, he meets many people, learns new skills and crafts, and confronts some rough characters. Which he has to get the better of. According to the author, "he learns to reshape his life out of his own inner resources, for there must not only be an end to childhood but also a beginning of manhood." In my opinion, this book is very informative about Tarans family and life so there is a bit less action. So overall in my opinion I will rate this book 7 and a half out of 10.

The Chronicles of Prydain, The Castle of Llyr

 The Castle of Llyr The story continues the adventures of Taran "Assistant Pig-Keeper, primarily on the Isle of Mona west of Prydain, far from the forces of Arawn, Lord of Death. Princess Eilonwy 2 faces the unavoidable (and in her view unnecessary) ordeal of becoming a young lady", says Alexander. Taran joins her escort to a royal court where she will continue her education, near to her ancestral home. Soon after arrival, she is kidnapped for the sorceress Achren. Taran and companions including Prince Rhun set out to rescue her. Will they rescue her or will the evil sorceress Achren keep hold of her? You will have to read the book to find out! In my opinion, this book fills some gaps in Princess Eilwonys character as we finally find out where her ancestral home and more Out of 10, I would rate this book as a solid 8.

The Chronicles of Prydain, book 2

 The Black Cauldron The Black Cauldron is the second book in the Chronicles of Prydain series and this is the book which really starts to kick things off. Firstly, Taran joins the quest to capture the eponymous magical cauldron from Arawn D eath-Lord. Who is using it to make huge armies of undead, zombie-like soldiers. After Arawn's 1st army is defeated and the death of his warlord, The Horned King, which ended the Book of Three. Prince Gwydion has called his allies to a council hosted by Dallben, one of Taran's guardians. Men are disappearing and more and more of the undead-Cauldron Born have joined forces with Arawn the Death Lord.  Will they succeed? who knows? find out next time when I do a review on the 3rd instalment of this series. Out of 10 stars, I would rate this book as a 9.5 due to it being very captivating and you just get entranced by the style of writing and tone of the language.              

Erebus, The story of a ship

Erebus, The story of a ship was written by Michael Palin who brought the story of the formerly lost ship back to life. After the ship was rediscovered in 2014 he wrote this book about the disappearance of the ship itself and its crew. This book is non-fiction and is a very good read if you are interested in historical books. This is because he keeps you tied into the belief of the victorian sailors who thought they would be part of an almost invincible crew that would go down in history as the first ship to find the antarctic continent and go the furthest and closest in a sailing ship to the south pole. Secondly, they (and the Terrors crew) would be the first ships to navigate the whole of the Northwest Passage (now located in modern-day Canada). This book is about the latter of the two accomplishments In my opinion, this book is structured so well that, it alone makes the book a 7 out of 10 and with the added facts and accounts this book is a solid 9/10